Hadoop vs. Spark

October 18, 2022

Hadoop vs. Spark: A Data Analytics Rivalry

When it comes to handling big data, Hadoop and Spark are two of the most popular open-source big data platforms. Both technologies are designed to process large data sets efficiently and offer powerful tools for data analytics. However, there are some significant differences between Hadoop and Spark that may influence your data processing needs. In this blog post, we will help you understand the differences between the two technologies by providing a factual and unbiased comparison.

What is Hadoop?

Apache Hadoop is an open-source big data framework used for storing and distributing large data sets across a network of computers. Hadoop is built on the MapReduce programming model, which allows for parallel processing of large data sets. It also includes the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS), which is a distributed file system that provides high-throughput access to application data.

What is Spark?

Apache Spark is also an open-source big data framework that is optimized for in-memory processing. Spark is designed to be faster than Hadoop and provides support for multiple programming languages such as Java, Scala, Python, and R. Its core engine is built on the Resilient Distributed Dataset (RDD) model, which allows for parallel processing of large data sets across a cluster. Spark can be used for multiple data processing needs, such as batch processing, real-time processing, machine learning, and graph processing.

Comparison: Hadoop vs. Spark

Here are some of the significant differences between Hadoop and Spark that you should consider before choosing one for your data processing needs:

Processing Speed

One of the significant differences between Hadoop and Spark is their processing speed. Spark is generally faster than Hadoop because of its in-memory processing capabilities. Hadoop uses the MapReduce programming model, which requires data to be written to disk before processing, making it slower. Spark, on the other hand, stores the data in memory, enabling faster processing times. Moreover, Spark also offers an option to store data on disk, although it can be slower than storing it in-memory.


Efficiency is critical when it comes to big data processing. With Hadoop, data is split into chunks and distributed across different nodes in the cluster, which makes it more resilient and fault-tolerant. In contrast, Spark processes data in-memory, making it more efficient but less fault-tolerant than Hadoop. However, Spark comes with its resiliency feature that allows it to recover from data failure quickly.


Both Hadoop and Spark require some level of expertise to set up and use. However, with Spark's in-memory processing capabilities and support for multiple programming languages, it's generally considered to be a more user-friendly platform.


Apache Hadoop and Apache Spark are both reliable big data platforms. Based on our comparison, here are some takeaways to help you make a better-informed decision:

  • Choose Hadoop if you're processing large data sets and need a resilient platform with fault-tolerance capabilities.
  • Choose Spark if you require faster processing times, efficient in-memory processing, and support for multiple programming languages.

We hope this comparison has helped you understand the differences between Hadoop and Spark. However, when choosing between the two, consider your specific data processing needs before making a decision.


[1] Apache Hadoop - https://hadoop.apache.org/ [2] Apache Spark - https://spark.apache.org/ [3] "Apache Spark: A Unified Engine for Big Data Processing" - https://www.usenix.org/site/conferences/nsdi12/technical-sessions/scala-scalable-language-big-data-and-big-parallelism/apache

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